make peace

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make peace

更新时间:2024-07-02 00:28:57

英 [meik pi:s]

美 [mek pis]

make peace基本解释

讲和; 言和; 调解


  • 英英释义
  • 网络解释

make peace


1. end hostilities

e.g. The brothers who had been fighting over their inheritance finally made peace


1. 讲和:make war 发动战争 | make peace 讲和 | make a mistake 出错

2. 制造和平:be popular with 受......喜爱 | make peace 制造和平 | end with 以.......结束

3. make peace什么意思

3. 调停人:make-believe 假装 | make-peace 调停人 | make-ready 排版调整

4. 言和,和解:at peace 处于和睦状态 | make peace 言和,和解 | in peace 安静地,平安地

  • 反义词
  • 临近词
Several times he broke the engagement off, and she would fall ill, and friends would make peace.(他曾好几次取消了婚约,她因此卧病在床,朋友又劝他俩和好。)
Is it possible to make peace with the dead?(有可能与死者重归于好吗?)
She apparently was trying to make peace with demons, but there was reality to consider.(她显然试图抚平内心的魔鬼,但这里也有现实的考虑。)
I closed my eyes and placed my hands together, trying to make peace with my overactive mind.(我闭上眼睛,双手握在一起,试着让自己过于活跃的头脑冷静点。)
They say, "I try and try to make peace with this person, but I fail and I feel so guilty."(他们说:"我试了又试相同他们和平相处,最后却没能做到,这让我感到很惭愧。)
Can war make peace?(战争能促进和平吗?)
But isn't it better to make peace with your own body rather than voluntarily go under a knife?(但接受自己的身体,难道不比大刀阔斧拿着刀子进行改造来得更好吗?)
I remembered Yitzhak Rabin's adage: you do not make peace with your friends.(我想起了伊扎克·拉宾的名言:“你与你的朋友是不需要讲和的。”)
Will Israel and Palestine make peace?(以色列和巴勒斯坦会握手言和吗?)
The negotiators are trying to make peace between the warring factions.(谈判者正努力使交战各派议和。)
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